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Modern Womanhood

Modern Womanhood – Rohini Nilekani, Chairman of Argyam and Akshara Foundation, Bangalore. Social Services. View PDF
Feb 28, 2007 | Article

Civil Society  |  Others

India@75 I Samaaj, Sarkar, Bazaar I Rohini Nilekani on the Citizen, State& Markets I Barkha Dutt

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s conversation with Barkha Dutt on her new book and the intersection of the markets, society, and state. I haven’t spoken a lot about the incident that I mention in the introduction of my book, which started me on my engagement with civic issues, because tragedies happen in […]
Aug 12, 2022 |


‘Challenge creation of islands in society'

Rohini Nilekani is essentially a philanthropist at heart and passionate about development issues. The fact that she has featured in the Forbes’ list of Asia Pacific’s 48 ‘Heroes Of Philanthropy’ for the second consecutive year proves this. She speaks to Shruti Khairnar on middle class values and corporate social responsibilities. View PDF
May 16, 2010 | Interview

Civil Society  |  Others

Democracy’s Handmaiden: Humour. In today’s India, we need more of a funny bone in our public life

In these dark times, there is no harm in easing up with some sharp humour. Like the coronavirus, humour is infectious, but can spread much needed joy. The world over, social media is lighting up with witty memes around the pandemic. Bumbling politicians have been prime targets, and especially President Donald Trump. “Calm down, everyone,” […]
Jul 11, 2020 |